Monday, 9 May 2011

More parts and painting practice

Another late update.  I've been busy with various parts of R2.  Where to begin.

The parts are still coming in.  I've ordered more items from Jerry Greene including the outer legs and feet.  I've also added the foot drives which will hold the NPC motors when I can get them.  I've bought foot strips which are the bare aluminium strips on the fronts and backs of the feet, the battery box harnesses, ankle cylinders, wedges and cylinder holders..  I've also bough leg to body hubs and a dome motor bracket from James AKA COM8.  I'm sure as this blog goes on all of these strangely named parts will become apparent to those who are not fellow R2 builders.

The battery harnesses.

I managed to get the Pittman dome drive motor working with my radio system using a SyRen10a speed controller.  The wiring took a bit of figuring out but I got there in the end.


Connected to the Pittman motor and dome drive wheel

I then ordered a rattle can of Fiat 899 blue.  Unfortunately when it came it wasn't metallic.  I thought I'd give the colour a try anyway so I decided to use the panels from my styrene dome.  They turned out OK.

So now I'm waiting for more parts.  I suppose there are some things that I can get done but a lot of it would mean that I have to strip the frame down again.  I want to wait until I have more parts so that when I strip the frame down, I can modify it and fit all the next stage stuff at the same time.  This includes, the dome drive bracket, front vents, utility arms and large data port.

On the dome, I'm hoping to finalise the sanding then line up the outer dome and mark out the cut-out panels on the inner dome.  Then I have to cut the inner dome for things like the holo-projectors, pie panels, logic displays and PSIs.

So there's a lot of work to do but I don't want to get ahead of myself until I have the parts that I'll need to complete that stage.

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