Lots of parts have come in and I've been busy putting them together.
Thankfully the feet came in from JAG as did the long awaited holo-projectors from Bob Considine.
I got to work on the dome and started by cutting the inner dome for the holos and the logics. This was slow going as I went the way of drilling small holes in the dome and cutting out the panels. Then there was a lot of filing to do as the laser cut holes in the outer dome were slightly too small. I eventually got the holos fitted along with the front logic surrounds.
This took so long that I was put off for a while cutting all of the other panels in the dome until a friend of mine who owns a car repair and servicing garage offered to let me use his air driven cutting wheel.
This cut into the dome like it was made of butter and in a couple of hours I had cut out all of the panels I wanted.
Now there is a lot of filing to do on the openings and on the panels that have been cut out as they will be used to bolt onto the hinges. More on that later.